2gypsies wrote:
This must be your first trip! Truthfully, you really don't need a convoy to head south.
First, just watch the weather for a few days out and leave when you get 'the' break.
Drive as long as you can safely do so. Eat your last meal in a warm restaurant before stopping for the night. Don't bother with cooking. Keep your RV winterized and carry some jugs of water in a place where they won't freeze. Use them for light washing up, teeth brushing and toileting. Using the toilet while it's winterized won't hurt a thing. You're not going to be filling it and the jug of water will do just fine for flushing. Put on layers of your warmest clothes to sleep. We didn't even put on PJ's. Wear what you sleep in and you'll get a warm start in the morning. Otherwise your clothes will be very cold to put on in the a.m. Don't bother with breakfast. Stop at a restaurant for a nice hot meal.
It'll be uncomfortable for a couple days but think of palm trees in your future.
Repeat next morning and hopefully you'll soon be experiencing some good roads and warmer temperatures. You can do it!! :)
Good heavens! When we leave our upstate NY cottage in January, if we have shut down and winterized the coach, we just fire up the furnaces, fill the water tank, fill the fridge, hook up the toad, and head down the road stopping when we feel like it, and get to the warm weather using all of the coach's comforts normally. We do occasionally eat out, but that's no different than we do any other time. We usually get back on the road between 9 and 10 each morning, and off again by 3 or 4, with a couple of 2 or 3 day breaks along the way. We're not in that big hurry that we can't enjoy the journey... :)