Forum Discussion

rocmoc's avatar
Aug 20, 2013

Speed Trap, Toll Booth & Road Hazard Location in MX

Found this map that shows the location of the toll booths with pictures and known locations of speed traps. What is a surprise is it shows Mexico, USA & Canada. You have the ability to add more info in the same way as the RV Park Review site. I checked the locations from Tucson to San Diego and the map was correct from what I have seen in my travels.

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
  • By the definition used in the Courts, speed traps are not legal. Posting signs behind billboards or trees or parking a patrol car inside a building, not legal in this country. I'm all for law enforcement enforcing the law but not setting people up so they don't have reasonable knowledge of the law and the arresting or ticketing them.

    Exposing speed traps is great and I support it.
  • If you obey the speed limit all the time it becomes habit and there are no speed traps.
  • I am all for law enforcement catching speeders. I do not support informing people where speed traps are located.