Forum Discussion

retired_frog's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

Spokane-rte 395N

Towing a 30' 5er, any comments on Spokane-rte 395 north to the Canadian border?
  • Nothing wrong with the 395/3/33 route. Google Maps suggests 3 routes, all about the same distance and time.

    donn0128 mentioned 20, but also visiting Dry Falls and the dam. 20 isn't close to either of those. US2 is close to those, but seeing both of those adds 60 miles to your drive. I like those sights, but the drive from Spokane to dam is lots of flat wheat fields.

    W20 from Kettle Falls to US97 is ok, but crosses the highest paved pass in Washington. It's not hard, but that part of 20 is not as scenic as the part over the Cascades.

    Stops and sights on the 395 route:
    - camping Roosevelt Lake around Kettle Falls
    - camping a Christina Lake
    - historic mining district at Greenwood
    - camping at Kettle Valley

    As for the gas issue - you are going to enter Canada sooner or later. There is only a 70 mile difference in the length of the Canadian portion among these routes. There's nothing special about gas prices in small towns of NE Washington.

    Another thought - US97 in northern Washington follows a major a valley with light traffic. There is a nice state park just before the border. 97 in BC is a lot busier, with lots of orchards, vineyards and vacation homes. It's the warm playground for BC. It is 4 lanes from the junction of 97c north. 33 bypasses a portion of this heavier traffic.

    97c is an alternative to 97 from Kelowna to Cache Creek. It climbs on to a plateau around Meritt. If I were coming north on 97 I'd take 97c to bypass Kelowna, Vernon and Kamloops. If using 33 I'd probably stick with 97.
  • Donn, thanks for the insight, leaving Spokane tomorrw & depending on the weather, which here in Butte has been lousy, that route looks more interesting & cheaper (until the winery visits, of course).
  • Remember once you enter Canada fuel prices will be about 20% higher. I would stay in Wa as long asmpossible, crossing the border on 97. Grand coulee dam used to have a great light show in the evening on the facemof the dam. There are some nice camping locations around Coulee City. And if interested you miss maybe 200 different wineries in the Okanogen valley.
  • What is your ultimate destination? You might find it a nicer ride to cross WA on hwy20 visiting GrandCoulee dam and Dry Falls picking up US97 north. This would put you squarely in the Okanogen valley and the great wine region of BC. 97 is also the main road toward Alaska if your going that way.
  • It is a US# highway, and doesn't cross anything difficult. North of Kettle Falls it follows the Kettle River into BC.

    Once in BC your choice is right or left on Hwy 3, Crowsnest Hwy. This has more ups/downs as it crosses various interior BC ranges. West on 3 to 33 and that north to Kelowna (and hwy 97) is fairly easy. 33 climbs a bit, but no difficult grades or curves. Big White Ski Resort is accessed from 33.