Forum Discussion

rockchuk's avatar
Apr 14, 2015

Spokane to Calgary with heavy load - best way?

Hello, this is my 1st post and I really appreciate your feedback on the best route to take from Spokane to Calgary. I am underpowered and overloaded (Toyota T100 pulling a 20' travel trailer full of paintings and frames). I know the most direct route is via Sandpoint ID through Cranbrook on Hwy 3. I know most of that is 2 lane hwy, but the mountains concern me as I really have to gear down and take my time. Will I be holding up traffic causing safety issues or are there plenty of passing lanes?

I've been told I should stick with interstate 90 east to 15 north through Idaho and enter Canada through Sweetgrass MT. But that's an extra 285 miles! However, if it's a lot easier and less stressful I would be tempted to go that route. Getting there in one piece is what's required. :)

What is your experience on this? Your feedback is really appreciated....thank you!
  • bsinmich wrote:
    If they think you are selling those paintings you may also have a problem.

    That's not even an "if" - a trailer full of them will be considered a commercial entry unless there's some very convincing paperwork proving that it's not.
  • Yes - 95 to Cranbrook, 3 to Ft. Mcleod and 2 to Calgary is your best bet. Lived in Calgary and went to school in Moscow and went back and forth MANY times!!
    However - as others have pointed out - overloaded and items for sale in Canada will surley cause you problems at the border. Good Luck,
  • If they think you are selling those paintings you may also have a problem.
  • You are overloaded and underpowered in the mountains by your own admission. I would not do it but it's your call. If you really need to attempt this journey 2 then 95 and 3 would be the most direct route. I-15 and I-90 are no easier with your set up, I drove it with an underpowered fuel truck. It was not fun.
  • I-90 to I-15 more grades, 4th of July , Lookout, etc
    Your other route has fewer

    Be advised, if the Canadian border folk think you're unsafely overloaded
    they can refuse you entry