Summering on enclosed Pacific bays that have high hills to the south means chopping off sea breezes. The first few months of having a ceiling fan whirring 24/7 cured me when the CFE bill arrived.
Rooftop lounging under shade is the hot setup. Fitting a fan that blows outward to a kitchen window works well.
Treat little-used drains and toilet tanks with a dollop of Clorox
Zancudos mosquitoes, are territorial. After a rain examine rooftop and property for the tiniest amount of stagnant rainwater and get rid of it.
When shopping the earliest birds get the shaded parking spots.
When shopping Acapulco the north end of the bay west of Mex 200 has the hotels that businessmen stay in. Safe along La Costera the malecon but I do not venture inland anymore not even a few blocks. COSTCO is on the south end of the bay beyond the toll road turnoff to Chilpancingo. One of the better stores in Mexico. July and August is when wealthy Mexicans vacation in Acapulco.
Favorite summer drink
Ice slushy. Orange, banana, ice cream and ice. Blender it to a froth. Then try to avoid sinus pain drinking it. Anything sensitive to moisture always goes indoors away from open windows at night. I stow my laptop in the oven. Discharge the battery once a week to let charging heat help dry things out.
Cornstarch works better than talcum powder by far. I have tons of scorpions up here. A night time search in darkened bathroom with a UV light plus look in cupboards is worth it's weight in AAA batteries.
Welcome to Los Aguas in August and September.
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