I found out the hard way apartment size refrigerators consume as much power as a good quality 18 cubic foot refrigerator freezer. The big ones shut off half the time the junky little ones are on 24/7/365
By the way. DAC results from cumulative bi-monthly billing in exce. usage. Yes 400 kWh is allowed FOR TWO MONTHS TOTAL ACCUMULATION. 150 kWh per month is a 300 kWh bi-monthly bill. We're allowed 350 kWh for both basic and intermediate combined. Excedente triples the cost per kWh and over a period of months the excedente can reach the point of triggering DAC even higher rate and the lower cost basic and intermediate disappears -- it's full DAC for every kWh. Then they slap 16% IVA tax in that. It takes months to erase DAC. A person may use 100 kWh the following 2 months and it appears a the 100% DAC rate.
No one in their right mind would have a 30 amp electric clothes drier down here. Gas is the only way to go and a good new Maytag is a twelve thousand peso expense. A 45 Kg cylinder of gas lasts about 15 hours of clothes drying and costs 907 pesos and an 82 mile round trip to Guacamayas.
We must operate 3 six foot wide Torrey freezers to hold Jesus' huachinango and lobster. These are the energy eaters. They are shaded and I have computer muffin fans helping cool their condensers. The cooperativa had to help us argue with CFE to get a commercial rate. A separate mufa (drop pole) and 60 amp service.
We average in the winter about 15 hours of outages per month. If a storm hits the cienega (swamp) between Alcalpican and La Colorada is sure to drop a pole or two and the outage can last 3-5 days or longer if the storm is big.
Then the Kubota comes online. Feeds the freezers and my giant Viking refrigerator which uses less wattage than the 18 CF Samsung it replaced. With four dollar a gallon diesel. .82 gallons per hour adds up fast.
Sure is weird to see fog with an air temp of 82F at 2AM
Like today -- 92F and 84% R/H
Hurricanes push a large bubble of very warm air ahead of them.