Thanks to you all for sharing your knowledge. The DW and I are reviewing our options. I've suggested that we follow some info from some PM's with Sue T., stay in Savage for the first part, and then go into Tek for a shorter stay.
This is not our normal dog profile we had over the years. After out last one passed on, we decided to try and help a bit older dog that needed us. This dog is a rescue dog from a hoarders home in Victorville, CA (Was on Animal Planet as a 30 mins segment. 140-150 dogs.) This girl was born there and had a litter of puppies that she was still full of milk from, when we got her in San Diego from the rescue group foster owners. She was about 2 years old, according to the vet. Now three years later, she still can look at me with fright in her eyes, especially if I wear a ball cap, and seems to forget who I am. The DW and her get along great, and every once and awhile she seems to forget to be frighten of me, and I get a good scratch in behind her ears in. Slowly she is learning to trust me. But, we just don't feel good leaving her with others, or boarding her, as the few times we have for just a few days - we sort of have to start all over again. Sure don't blame her, and she is a part of our family now - so we do what we must to try and keep her happy and most of all feeling safe. Part of that being safe, is a demonstrated ability for her to 'bolt' when scared. We've had two times in three years, where we were lucky to get her back and keep her safe. So if a walker dropped a leash, or a boarder left a door open - real concern she could be gone in a flash... It's her instincts of survival kicking in, and what she learned from her first two years of life...
Best to all,