One of the problems with the Telcel Banda Ancha is speed. If you are not near a tower you may be able to get email and do a bit of surfing but still not have the speed needed for things like Skype. It could also depend on time of day and how many others are using the tower you are connected to. We had the same problems in the states with 3G a few years ago before 4G became more available. More people with various data devices on 3G networks overload the system and slow it down. Even just using the Skype phone with no video may require more speed than might be available when you want to use it or where you want to use it. We find in some places the WiFi can be faster and more reliable than Telcel. We try whatever is available and use whichever seems to be working best at the moment - sometimes switching back and forth between anything we can get. Until Telcel gets more 4G towers up and running your Banda Ancha will work but not as well as you might like.