Forum Discussion

  • We live on Rt. 16 north of Medina so have driven #337 many times going to Utopia to the cafe or Lost Maples State park. Leaves were especially beautiful this year.
  • Rug's avatar
    Explorer II
    Don't forget to stop in Utopia for a great meal. Utopia café.
    In the early 50's road the route on motor scoters. Then moved up to a motorcycle. Then pickup. It has a little more traffic now then when we were kids.
  • SDcampowneroperator wrote:
    Tx 335, 336, 337 are known as the '3 twisted sisters ' are famous amongst motorcyclists The route going west from Medina to Utopia, then to Leakey (pronounced lakey) then north along the rio frio up onto the edwards plateau, then descending by the most twisted route back to Medina or Kerrville are a motor cyclists dream. NOT a route for rvs.

    Agreed - definitely not an RV route. It was a little tight in places for just my F-350. However a scenic route worth driving if you are in the area.
  • Tx 335, 336, 337 are known as the '3 twisted sisters ' are famous amongst motorcyclists The route going west from Medina to Utopia, then to Leakey (pronounced lakey) then north along the rio frio up onto the edwards plateau, then descending by the most twisted route back to Medina or Kerrville are a motor cyclists dream. NOT a route for rvs.