I forgot to mention that we also plan to do the Flag Train out of Talkeetna as well as the Seward boat tour. Just one trip pays for the book so I think you should go for it. I second the notion that you need reservations for July 4 in Seward. We have stayed at Stoney Creek and Bear Creek RV Parks and I recommend Stoney Creek. We already have reservations there for the 4th. The suggestion to have reservations in Talkeetna is also a good one. We lucked out and got the last spot at Talkeetna Camper Park. It's nothing special; just a place to park the rig. I guess what I disliked about it and so many other places is that you have to pay extra for a shower.I know people with big rigs usually use their own shower, but I would just rather have it included in all rates. I hate it when I am "nickel and dimed" with extras.