down home wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
charlestonsouthern wrote:
garyhaupt, you have to remember that we are dealing with a population of approximately 328 million people. Canada is only dealing with approximately 38 million people. With new leadership, we can lick this thing regardless of the size of the population. But it will require isolation by shutting down completely two borders.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the famous line, ‘there’s 3 categories of untruths, there’s lies, **** lies, and statistics’,
Yes the US has ~ 8.6 times the population of Canada but it has 40 times the cases, and more than 17 times the number of deaths.
Now compare that to places with a lot more complicating factors, but took serious measures to curb the spread early on, India for example.
India has 1.353 billion people, more than 4 times the population of the US, yet they have had just over 1/3rd the number of cases and less than 1/4 the number of deaths.
Only 1.46% of Residents in the US out of 336,000,000 million have been diagnosed with the Virus of that number only a small percentage have been fatal.
i think I related this before but..Son In Law co-worker is a nurse in a clinic in a hospital not far from our home.
She gives the test for the Virus! When someone comes in and is tested and the test is positive they are required to self quaranine for the week, return and be retested the ext week and if positive to self quanratine another week, this is repeated for sx weeks, or until the test is negative.
Each time they are tested it is reported to the CDC in Atlanta as if a new case!!
Wow, all that quarantine time has really had an effect, the population has gone up by nearly 4 million from just over 328, million only a few months ago. I guess there wasn’t much good on TV.....
As for the reports, that’s false, the report says it’s a positive result, and that it’s a subsequent test on a previously reported person.
Percentages are a funny thing though, 1.5% of population being sick, and 0.05% dead seems like NOTHING ......
Until you realize that means more 160,000 people died ....... so far .......
To put that in perspective, that’s the entire population of Jackson, the capitol of Mississippi, that doesn’t sound anything like “only” to me.