We've been to this area a number of times and would make the following suggestions.
Take HWY 9 east from Zion. Don't worry too much about the Zion tunnel. We've done it a number of times in a DP. Big tour buses do it all the time. You will have to drive the jeep seperately.
Drive HWY 12 to Boulder from Bryce. Leave your MH in Boulder and backtrack with the jeep to Calf Creek Recreation area and hike to Lower Calf Creek Falls.
Spend time in Capital Reef NP. Fruita CG is nice but no hook-ups. A couple of nice full=hookup CG in Torrey. Use jeep to drive the Burr trail loop and maybe explore Cathedral Valley (N part of Capital Reef).
North Rim of GC is nice during summer, you might want to do a side trip there.