Mike - Not really... Some of us are not RV TRAVELERS... I mostly go to the same places all of the time looking for good old fashion camping sites... My love is setup in the high country way back off a Forest Service Road somewhere and stay there for a week or so living off my batteries.
Don't have the desire anymore to just travel from one point to another point just to say I have been there before...
I have my favorite off-road camping locations which are here in Virginia up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway and in the high country of VA-NC-TN-SC-GA-AL... Also like to visit the gulf states and along the beaches up and down the East Coast. This season I am hoping to do some looking aorund the NC high country camp sites and get to know that area alot better camping OFF-ROAD better.
Much of Ham radio ops is 75/40 meters... I like to use my LILTARHEEL screwdriver mobile antenna and when setup I have easy up 15-20 foot high PVC pole that I can hang a 80M-10M off-center antenna. Of course my main two bands for ops is 75M and 40M when camping off-road... I like to use the 2M/440 for the repeaters around the Virginia high country. Mostly in monitor mode on 2M/440 and scanning local areas public service and rescue squad freqs for WX related things...
Welcome aboard
King George VA...