Tequila wrote:
briansue wrote:
I am among those who often comment on this sort of thing - mentioning crime statistics and events in the US. The point is simple but many continue to miss it. We do get posts here where people say they will not go to Mexico because it is dangerous. They seem to think there are no dangers in the US. Posts bringing up the dangers in the US are attempts to inform those who are unaware that crime happens in the US that these things can happen anywhere. And also to try to point out that incidents that happen in places like Waco do not mean that all of Texas is a war zone - or that the rest of the US is a war zone. Neither is Mexico all bad because of things that happen in certain specific places. There are many areas of Mexico we can safely travel. Bad things happen in every country in the world and these things can happen just about anywhere at any time to any one.
There are also those who find no need to travel anywhere but the US. Fine. We hope you all enjoy yourselves. But this is the forum for people who have some interest in travel in Mexico and NOT a forum for people who have misinformed opinions about Mexico to post negative comments about Mexico - letting us know how little they actually know. Those of us who do travel in Mexico - many of us for many many years - know why we find travel outside our culturally normal environment more interesting and educational. We know of nowhere in the US where we can visit pyramids and even climb them. We roam the streets of colonial cities. We hang out on amazing beaches. We eat food you will never find anywhere in the US. We see billions of butterflies. We expand our knowledge and understanding of the rest of the world - at least part of it.
How about some of you regular contributors to this forum posting some of the many reasons you enjoy visiting and traveling in Mexico - places we go. Post the many amazing things we find in Mexico that cannot be found in the US. No need for those who do not travel in Mexico to make comments here to show us all how uninformed you are.
Hard to argue with that. I have have made it a point to visit as many places on this planet as possible. I have been to about 60 countries at last count, including ones where you can now easily lose your head. People who stay in their own country tend to have a very narrow view of how the world really is. When you discover you are among the privileged 3 or 4 % on this planet, it puts life into a whole different perspective.
I used to get tired of the question and now I laugh about it when people say, "Aren't you afraid?" Afraid of what? Spiders? After all the things that have happened in other countries, I count my blessings everyday for the life I have, the experiences I have had and where I live.
My only regret is that I didn't start traveling to other countries outside of Mexico and the U.S. until 20 years ago. I've missed out on so much. Central/South America and the Caribbean have so much to offer. As I said before, I hope to rv in China and Australia some day soon.
You can watch NGO from the comfort of your chair and dream about it, or get out and do it. There's only one opportunity.