kohldad wrote:
Something you don't want to be downwind of - ever.
We experienced those a few years ago. To those who don't know, there is usually a manure pile so big you can see them sometimes from a couple miles away. The piles we saw on our trip often dwarfed the cow barns.
We learned real quick to put the A/C on recirculate it and try to speed up to 100mph so we could get by them before the smell started peeling the paint off the truck and your watering eyes blinded the driver. (j/k) The smell is so strong you would not notice if a skunk sprayed you if you are near one.
I've done 82 from Birmingham to just into Louisiana and enjoyed that section. That is what got me thinking about crossing Texas using it.
I am not sure but I don't think 82 goes into Louisiana. US80 does.