Forum Discussion

JANETRUPP's avatar
Sep 16, 2016

Utah 12

Starting to make our plans for our spring trip. Going from Bryce to Torrey, how is the UT 12 for a 40' MH towing?

Thanks in advance
  • That was so easy to pullup with my old 5th wheel with my Super Supercharged Chev. pickup about 5 years back.
  • A couple of pictures of the hogsback section. It's about 1/4 to 1/2 mile long and no one drives fast through there. There are a couple of very short 14% grades on the Bryce side just before the hogsback.

  • We drove it in our signature rig in 2011 - no problems whatsoever. Pictures available in our 2011 journal accessed by the link in our signature.
  • Hi there!

    Well, you will get all kinds of answers. You have to make the choice based on your comfort level. Have driven it many times and would never recommend it for most RV's....simple as that.....teep grades, tight turns, Hogback area has no real shoulders with no guard rails and steep dropoffs.

    Mountain Directory West will give the intensity of the grades but does not mention the little to no shoulders, no guard rails, etc.

    That being said, make sure to drive it with your toad. Bryce and Capitol Reef are two of our very favorite places and been to both many times.

    Remember, you can have control over everything except the guy coming the other way.

    Email or PM me if you would like.