Some Information
Cars that are surrendered, wrecked or damaged beyond repair, must be towed to a federal impound yard called CORRALON de ADUANA POLICIA FEDERAL SCT. There, ownership is signed over to the Mexican government, and HACIENDA the Mexican federal treasury Dept. issues a certificate which you in turn must show Aduana/ Banjercito, at the border. Any office of SHCO/SAT that issues temporary car permits.
Cars that are damaged when surrendered (wrecked or burned) are taken reluctantly at the Corralon. Usually, the management requires an official police report, or letter from the Ministerio Publico's office in the jurisdiction where the damage occurred. This is supposed to stop hit and run cars from being surrendered surreptitiously. Also it is supposed to penalize cars that start brush fires or topple a scarce and utterly priceless Cardon Cactus (sarcasm). Police down here work everything to cost money so the Federal Government is not about to get in the way of potential revenue (not sarcasm).
Once the TIP expires and goes delinquent, so many internal tripwires, and electronic computer blocks are engaged, it is almost impossible to unsnarl them without aid of a Mexican abogado (attorney) and a government agency working in concert.
You cannot do it outside Mexico. Save your time, money and frustration.
Your permit is tied to your passport number and not in any other way.