The passport number of the individual who was listed on the Temporary Import Permit will not be allowed to obtain another TIP in the future. Passport number is the ID so I worded it that way on purpose.
This is EXACTLY the reason why I was so adamant about NOT having your car "disappeared" in Mexico. Any problem with not surrendering the car permit on time needs two documents: One from the PFP or SSP, the second from the Ministerio Publico. You have GOT TO get that document of TIMELY EXIT FROM MEXICO at Banjercito before the TIP expires.
A proper document from PFP, SSP is worth a lot of weight with ADUANA. I don't know if Canadian Rainbirds or RonYVickie obtained official letters from either federal police agency, but these agencies hold a lot more water with regards to other federal agencies than does a document from a Ministerio Publico which is the district attorney for the municipio which is much like a "county".
When it doubt seek out the office of PGR which is the Federal Attorney's Office. These folks will not steer you wrong.
But it boils down to if your car permit expires and you cannot supply the car as proof or several of the aforementioned documents, your car permit status is officially screwed. Sorry to be so abrupt about it.