jamesu wrote:
Being from NC and saying that you are not good snow drivers, my advice is get as far south in January and start your trek east, probably I-10. Others have and will counsel to head east on I-90 or other routes over the Cascades and Rockies and the plains, watch the weather, and wait out the storms.
I am an experienced snow driver, and I have driven the plains in the Midwest during blizzards in the dead of winter. Not something to trifle, especially when towing a TT..
Heading out of Seattle down I-90 and catching I-10 east in S. Cal, you will cross one major mountain pass, the Siskiyous on Oregon-California border. This route will keep you well south of snow issues up in the Plains.
CORRECTION - Last paragraph. Should read: "Heading down
I-5 and catching I-10 east..." (Sorry for the confusion).