Forum Discussion

navegator's avatar
Oct 07, 2017

WARNING purchasing of gasoline from non authorized vendors

Purchasing gasoline or Diesel fuel from non authorized vendors is a crime in Mexico, if you are caught purchasing you will be spending time in jail.

There are individuals that tap into the pipelines that transport gasoline and Diesel fuel they are the "quachicoleros" and sell this products from private houses or corrupt gas stations.

If you purchase from a corrupt gas station you will not be charged with a crime since it will be impossible for you to know the source of the fuel.

On the other hand if you purchase fuel from an individual at a private house or repair garage or any location that is not an authorized gasoline vending station, and you get caught you are in a heap of trouble, the Canadian and American Embassies can only assist you by providing a list of attorneys to represent you in front of the Juez (Judge) they do not and can not interfere or get you out of jail only a Mexican lawyer that represents you in court can post a bond.

The Motorhome, toad, or trailer and tow vehicle will be confiscated not to be returned, so do not do anything dumb.

  • There are places way out in the boodoks that do not have a gas station and fuel is sold from houses or a tlapaleria or the corner store they are known to PEMEX, the guachicoleros are close to citys where the pipe lines run, I am trying to find out where they operate other than the state of Puebla, so that the RVing comunity knows.

  • After our summer trip to San Miguel de Allende, we headed to another great state park in the southern tip of Nuevo Leon, El Salto. There is only one gas station within 150 kms of Matahuala and Aramberri. There has never been anything in between. Gas is commonly sold from small businesses and homes.

    We don't buy it, but when you live on the ranch and your income is limited, you're not going to drive 100 kms to get a tank of gas so that when you return you're less than half full.

    It is illegal and I agree with you, but at the same time it is not profitable for a Pemex (that we now know is a franchise business) to supply fuel to places that would leave a station or business at a loss.
  • I think most of us have had at least once, the need to purchase fuel from a place other then a PEMEX when there wasn't one around. Fortunately, now there is usually a PEMEX just about everywhere.
  • On the other hand, if you're dumb enough to buy gas or diesel from a private residence, maybe you should be locked up? :S