Old topic but I came across another online article about water. Having read a lot about bottled water over many years I have never been a fan. That is why I suggest installing a water purification system in your RV. This can be done for under $200. More can be spent if you want. I have posted about this many times in many topic headings on this forum. There are no guarantees of good water coming out of a tap or a bottle no matter where you go. You can find filters and other purification equipment to guarantee your water is safe.
This article is not specific to Mexico. It mostly talks about US water - both tap and bottled. It also touches on the rest of the world.
Bottled water overtakes soda as America’s No. 1 drink — and you should avoid both
Published: Mar 11, 2017 6:59 a.m. ET
Some 700,000 Californians may be exposed to contaminated water, according to California’s Water Resources Control Board. And in Toledo, Ohio in 2014, the Ohio National Guard distributed bottled water to residents due to contaminated water there. A federal state of emergency was declared in Flint, Mich. in January 2016 and residents were told to use bottled water for both drinking and bathing due to faulty and old lead pipes.
But what people don’t know: When they buy bottled water, they are often times drinking the same water that comes out of the tap. “The general public thinks bottled water is going to be safer and cleaner than tap water,” says Mae Wu, attorney in the health program at National Resources Defense Council, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group based in Washington, D.C. “For the most part, that’s not true.” Some 45% of bottled water brands are sourced from the municipal water supply—the same source as what comes out of the tap, according to Peter Gleick, a scientist and author of “Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water.”
Some 45% of bottled water brands are sourced from the municipal water supply—the same source as what comes out of the tap, according to Peter Gleick, a scientist and author of “Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water.”
Those within the industry say that doesn’t mean it’s the same as tap water. Chris Hogan, spokesman for the International Bottled Water Association, says purified and spring water must meet Food & Drug Administration quality standards. He says the industry encourages people to just drink water, whether it’s from the tap or not. (Dasani and Aquafina use a public water source, but both companies say the water is filtered for purity using a “state-of-the-art” process.) And, as the industry expands, more bottled waters are available with different flavors, carbonation and vitamins.
Bottled water is not without chemicals, according to studies of European bottled waters carried out in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France — one published in 2011 and the other in 2013 — by the Goethe University Frankfurt’s Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology. Among the main compounds Wagner found: Endocrine disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, which can act like hormones in the body and have been linked to diabetes, breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. (The International Bottled Water Association said the origin of these EDCs may have been environmental rather than from a packaging material.)