Though using plastic bottles is certainly wasteful and an important concern the point of my post was that bottled water or garafon water may say purified but there is no guarantee that it is anything more than tap water. Many places in the US have bad water and lots of bottled water may not be as pure as some seem to think. Testing labs such as Consumer Reports have tested lots of well known brands in the US and found contaminants. The only sure way to protect yourself is with your own filtration and purification system as I have posted about above in this thread. One example I could mention was a test on a well known and widely available brand of bottled water in the US that test high for arsenic. It could take many years of buildup before the human body begins to show signs of being poisoned by this water - it is not always an immediate thing. I trust garafons no more than I trust any other type of bottled water. Research filters and what the different ones can do and then create a filtration system of your own to get rid of contaminants - and a UV system to purify - all for under $200 - and know your water is safe. This applies to anywhere you might travel and drink the water.