Wow, what a well-traveled group. Sounds like some roads to avoid and some to explore.I really don't mind rough roads; I just mind everyone in a hurry or passing on blind curves. UT 191 was really scenic but when you have a BIG truck with humongous brush guards on your tail it makes for uncomfortable driving. It's a scenic route.
I think we will enjoy Moki Dugway and while in Utah we plan to finish the Burr Trail Switchbacks going uphill. We were running out of daylight heading down and hubby made a 3 or 4 point turn on a tight curve. I judge a road by the amount of traffic not the conditions. A nameless USFS road in Christmas Valley, OR was probably the worst for conditions. Single lane, rutted, washboarded, big boulders to crawl around, endless side roads, nothing but sage brush for miles, pine trees closing in (The Lost Forest) and gates to open/close. It was fun but for awhile we thought we were lost (no GPS).
Thanks for the input.