Going back again this fall. Most YNP CGs close mid Sept. Would not want to stay anywhere except Fishing Bridge because of travel time and FHUs . Park service says 3 hour travel from West Yellowstone to Lamar Valley which is the prime wildlife viewing area. Do Tetons also,we like GrosVentre CG electric only(some sites). Go back out through Cody, 1 day drive from there to Hill City SD,Custer SP,Rushmore. It would be nice to have 5-6 days YNP,2-3 days Tetons, 2-3 days Cody,3-4 days SD. From Cody go through Thermopolis and around NOT through the big,bad mountains further north. Rafter J Bar Ranch CG Hill City or one of the SP cgs. I know Fishing Bridge is not a great CG.