Cloud Dancer wrote:
SkiingSixPack wrote:
Cloud Dancer wrote:
Have you ever become sick, or broken a bone, when in cold weather?
Have you ever worked outside during cold weather?
Have you ever gone fishing in cold weather?
Have you ever tried to do anything recreational outdoors in cold weather?
These are a few of my fears (after having made an attempt).
I'm comfortable and happy in the sunbelt.
I have been sick when the weather is cold... Does that count? I have broken many bones during the winter.
I have worked outside in extremely cold weather. People around here do it every day.
Ice fishing is a good time. I call it beer drinking while in a shed. Very rarely does this get interrupted by a fish.
We recreate often in the cold weather. I have recreated each of the last 3 days in the cold. Sunday morning it was -10* windchill and my 12 year-old and I went snowboarding... Felt good. The sun came out and I actually had to take off a layer because I got hot!!!
Being out in the cold can be fun and enjoyable if:
You dress for the weather and activity.
You can do something entertaining while out in the cold.
You are with fun people enjoying the same activity as you.
Comfortable and happy in the snow and cold belt :)
I always suspected that there was an explanation. It's simple, you have to be cut out for it (living in cold climates).
I love this country,.....big enough for the both of us....:B
I think you are correct, my friend ... Although my brother said to heck with it and moved to southern Missouri! Does not get TOO cold there... :)