Forum Discussion

rolling_rhoda's avatar
Dec 01, 2014

13 below and I'm smiling

Winter set in hard in our region. It's been dang cold several times and it's still early in the season. Even my husband is griping and he's a farmer, loves winter, snowmobiling and all. I really hate the cold and ice, but I'm smiling. This is our last full winter in the deep freeze! When I step outside and the warmth is blasted away from my head, and my jeans freeze on my legs, when the cold goes right through me, I smile and think: Bring. It. On.
  • It's 65 degrees here in ATL today. After work, I'm going home, put on a pair of shorts, grill a steak on the patio, then have dinner on the deck. Afterwards I may mess with our 5'er a bit, it needs some inside cleaning. We lived in Minot for 1 year back in the mid seventies. That was enough. Y'all can have it.:B

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!
  • It took us 60 years of memorable snowfalls and deep-freeze days to finally spend Winters here in Clearwater - it was worth every minute of the wait and we truly appreciate each day more. Take heart, your days in the sun will be here before you know it.
  • Right now it's 82, blue sky, slight breeze, and mosquitos that will eat you alive if you're out for a walk. Snowbirding isn't all rainbows and sunshine, but it is pretty dang nice.
  • I complain about our Pennsylvania winters.

    I can't imagine what it's like farther north.

    Hang in there, you'll be out of the cold/snow soon enough.
  • Have you ever become sick, or broken a bone, when in cold weather?
    Have you ever worked outside during cold weather?
    Have you ever gone fishing in cold weather?
    Have you ever tried to do anything recreational outdoors in cold weather?

    These are a few of my fears (after having made an attempt).

    I'm comfortable and happy in the sunbelt.
  • Funny, my neighboor for many years here in Jacksonville Florida retired and moved to South Dakota. Not sure what he was thinking.