daboy wrote:
alfredmay wrote:
These places do not have the birthday police. The idea is that the residents are adults without children living with them. Children are usually allowed to visit for a few weeks and I seem them in my park on a regular basis.
That's good to know. Thank you alfredmay. As a newbie when these websites have an age posted I take it as a enforced rule that would be checked upon booking. Therefore I don't even check into them thinking we could not stay there.
If you're a 50'ish couple with no kids, or aggressive/obnoxious dogs they would welcome you with open arms. What you may find out is after a short time in the park you will want to move on.
Currently I'm using the Encore $99/week special to finish up some business before heading north. The RV sites in this older RGV Encore park are setup for RV's during the days of non-slides, and no cable TV. It's best days are behind it without a major redo.
Most residents are very friendly, in there 70's, have park models from fairly new (late 90's early 2000's) to maybe the late 70's? The activities are what you would expect, from bobbing in the pool in small groups visiting, to playing shuffleboard with just about everything thrown in between. Big St. Patrick party is the current thing to look forward to.
As I looked out my rigs window I told the DW a place like this would drive me crazy after a week. I think what we are seeing is a paradigm shift in snowbirding. No longer just sitting in one spot all winter, in what most baby boomers would call by todays privileged expectations a "tin can" waiting for spring to return to the north.
I think most young baby boomers are more interested in staying mobile and active and not settling into a retirement park and seeing their ultimate destiny all around them. Just like video rental stores, I fear the glory days of retirement parks are behind them. What was wonderful for the three bedroom 2 bathroom ranch home WWII generation isn't going to continue into the future for the next generation who rebelled against all of that.