I personally believe that open frame generators have no business in a campground, including the Champion. If one must own one, then occasional use such as to microwave something for 10 min or to make a pot of coffee is tolerable.
Anybody camping in a campground, if they are going to use a generator, should invest in a quiet model, and if they do, use it sparingly.
If you plan to run the a/c, pay for hookups. If you want to watch movies off generator, pay for hookups. If you plan to run the generator, a quiet one, more than 2 hours to charge batteries in the mid morning, pay for hookups.
I am a generator snob, but the Hondas and Yamahas don't present that much of a problem if used properly.
Any open frame generator should be banned. Period. Go use them in a location that I am not paying to camp in.