Lantley wrote:
DallasSteve wrote:
1duckie4u wrote:
As an individual, you are not entitled to make the decision for the rest of us that you should be allowed to put our lives at risk for your "right" to roam the country as you wish. Stay healthy and help others stay healthy.
Society doesn't care how its decisions negatively affect me, but I'm supposed to care how my decisions negatively affect society.
When it's potentially life or death scenario for someone else in society, yes you should care!
Your either part of the problem or part of the solution
Kidnapping is one of the most heinous crimes in society (your precious society). When I was a child the punishment for kidnapping in many states was death. It was on a level with murder and rightly so, in my opinion.
My wife has been effectively kidnapped by society. She can not return to the USA from Colombia for at least 30 days and maybe forever, if that's what "society" wants. She has the legal right to return to the USA but because of a decree by the President of Colombia she can not leave that country right now. I might say there is some argument for this action if they said "If someone wants to travel they must first take a virus test and if they fail the test they can't travel." But that's not what they did. They just cancelled her return flight and the return of everyone else.
You may say, 'It's not kidnapping.' And legally you are right. Society makes the law. But Society makes mistakes. Once Society said you could own slaves. Then they changed their minds. Right and wrong did not change. Society was wrong. Once they said 'No abortion', now they say 'Abortion on demand.' Society has to be wrong with one of those. They can't both be right. And just because society says 'We want to do this and we can do this.' that doesn't make it right. Might does not make right.
She has been effectively kidnapped by society for its selfish reasons. Society doesn't care about her (or me), only itself. Therefore, there is no moral reason why I should care about what is in society's best interest. You're not responsible for my life. I'm not responsible for your life. If a virus comes along and it gets spread by normal activities that does not give society any moral right to take away the freedoms of others for its selfish cowardly reasons. Fact.
So don't try to take the moral high ground with me, because you don't have it.