JiminDenver wrote:
Don't think that because I enjoy the discussion that
I think others choices are right or wrong, they are just what's right for you. I never asked why the people that ran their generators so much but I was happy to explain what they could do with solar and how much it would cost. The two that asked me about it did nothing over the weekend that solar couldn't provide and like you thought it cost thousands.
Understanding more about how people use their generators doesn't mean I think they are evil. Maybe annoying when run 24/7 but I can avoid that or at least be prepared for the next time.
My response as to costing thousands is to have it done by the factory and/or installed. To have my motorhome do everything it can do while running a generator or hooked up to electricity, it would take some mega wattage to keep it going with out having to worry about how long we do something. We will constantly have to keep an eye on what we have in the battery banks. How much wattage would it take to run my microwave several times a day, run an electric coffee pot, hair dryer for both my wife and daughter, lights, tv for several hours a day, charging phones, charging laptop, charging ipads, run both fantastic fans at full speed because we won't be able to run the a/c, also to run the bathroom fan after several showers a day, water pump usage and etc? Doing all this with out having to worry about how long or often we do it. I imagine, its gonna cost close to a couple thousand with an install if not more. For the solar panels, gear, inverter, batteries and etc. And then you have to have enough room to put all that stuff.