JiminDenver wrote:
Check out solarblvd.com. A number of people have had good results getting inexpensive panels from them. A set up like mine should run around $400.
There are also 100w kits for around $200 (ebay) or you could build piece by piece for around the same.
Thank ya' Jim. I found out that Solarblvd is actually local for me, about 20 minutes away, so I ran by there today and am very impressed. They don't have a big store front, so to speak. But they pull up a chair and turn a screen around and go through whatever products you're interested in and make sure that you totally understand what you're looking at. One of the guys there, Mike, showed me a portable 140w panel that would give me between 6 and 7 amps per hour on a normal day which is really all I need with our current trailer. We talked about the two different types of controllers and a few other things and I definitely will be doing business with them. They really seem to be an outstanding company. Thanks for the reference, Jim!!!