WRVPO says: "Does anyone have an idea of how much it costs to do a good renovation? Two years ago I did a complete redo of a bathhouse. $125,000 later, I have the best facility there is, period. But that $125,000 I spend earns me not one penny more in revenue unless I raise prices."
Agree with most of what you said in your post, except this part. What you get in return is MORE customers BECAUSE you updated your bathhouse.
Although you've also stated that you have higher prices SO YOU CAN upgrade. which is kinda a contradiction. Higher prices so you can upgrade, then you upgrade and raise the prices. It seems one or the other would make more business sense. IF you raise prices every time you do maintenance or upgrades, seems you'd price yourself out of customers eventually.
Reasonable prices for reasonable campsites / campgrounds should allow both happy and repeat customers, and allow for upgrades that keeps your people coming back.
Far as the WIFI comments, if a CG advertises it, then it should have it, if not, then not. But, to advertise it in order to compete with CGs that do have it means your 'cheating' in a sense. Don't say you have it if you don't. T state it's too expensive, then, it's too expensive - but to deceive a customer is not fair to the customer. If WIFI is only in the game room, say that, and be truthful. Most folks only want to email and search a few things for dining, or other travels. Those that want to stream all night should know better - and quit complaining.