Forum Discussion

dennysbabe's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

Any camp site recommendations on Couer d'Alene River

Planning to camp somewhere or near the Couer d'Alend River in Idaho off of I-90 and was wondering if anyone has camping experience in that area. We prefer dispersed camping if you have a recommended spot or a US Forest campground. Looking at the Kit Price Campground but since we've never been in Idaho we've shooting in the dark I'm afraid. We'll be needing a site large enough for a 36' FW. Thanks in advance for any help you might have!
  • Bumblebee CG on the North fork of the Couer d'Alend River is a nice USFS cg. If you prefer a private CG there is the Kahnderosa at exit 40 off I90 near Cataldo, ID. This exit will take you to both places. Turn North at the exit to go to Bumblebee or South to Kahnderosa. We have stayed at both. Good trout fishing at either one. Bumblebee is about 5-6 miles off the interstate, while Kahnderosa is right next to the interstate (not noisy).
  • Awesome! It's encouraging just to know that a good camp site should be available after driving several miles up the road. I really appreciate the recommendations!
  • Great area. Your best bet is the dispressed area next to Big Hank. However the USFS sites (Big Hank, Devils elbow, and Kit Price) are very nice and usually available.
  • If you don't mind going further up, there is a nice dispersed camping area not far above Big Hank campground that has some spots right by the river. It is on the east side of the road, the area by the road is an open area, but you can go back toward the river and find some spots with some shade. Hope this helps...Enjoy your stay, a nice area.