Pirate wrote:
I would actually like to see them expand the fort. Lots of undeveloped land around the lake.
I agree, they could expand it by 50% and still get close to keeping the place fully booked. OTOH, we just spent an entire boat ride, from FW to the Magic Kingdom, talking to a first mate. She was a lifer, who started in the eighties. She had a lot of interesting info. about the history of the region, and claimed that there is a lot of Disney property locked up in preservation agreements, including waterfront.
The other interesting observation about FW, is that there has been very little effort to upgrade much of anything in the last few decades. Lots of high quality maintenance, and modest upgrading of things like bath houses, but no real drive to capture a lot of missed opportunities. IMHO, a family oriented casual restaurant, an ice cream shop and a coffee cafe would all be extremely popular, and profitable. There has to be a pretty compelling reason that a corporation like KOA makes every effort to monetize every single opportunity (cafe, bike rental, zip-line, ice cream parlor, etc....) in their premium properties, yet Disney doesn't lift a finger, when it comes to lost potential.
It would suck, but seeing an announcement that Disney is planning to close the Fort, in the future, wouldn't surprise me in the least.