profdant139 wrote:
996, in Yosemite Valley, you are (I am sure) right. Also, there are bear boxes -- no need to hang 'em up, and campground bears are like Yogi -- smarter than the average bear.
But I still have not heard a good alternative to the hanging method when you are boondocked for several days far from campgrounds and dumpsters. And folks who are more experienced than I am still use the hanging method. So I am going to stick to that device, only when it is absolutely necessary, until someone comes up with a better system.
Good observations from 996 on "human habituated bears" in very busy places like Yosemite and other NP's. The drive to secure food so they can survive is one if not the most important "instincts" that wild animals have. They learn quickly over time, to associate food with people and although I have not heard of bears breaking lines to get at food caches, I am sure over time, they would learn this technique.
We have been lucky over the years, to be in truly wilderness areas backpacking/canoeing etc., where the wild life seldom comes in contact with people so haven't learned these food stealing methods.
In Kluane NP in the Yukon, it is by law that backpackers carry their food in bear proof containers. There is a large grizzly population in the park and very few trees to hang your food so the tree hanging method will not work. Also, by law, no firearms.
Also, much of the low arctic and alpine areas of the USA and Canada have no trees so again, the tree hanging method will not work.
When we were on a long through hike in BC and Alberta in the Rockies that took us above tree line almost every day, there were times when we camped where there were no trees. Grizzlies were around. Had to cache food aways away from camp under the largest rocks that I could roll over on the food bags. Grizzlies could probably move them but from our tent, we would be able to hear the commotion and activate bear bangers to try and scare them off. Luckily, it never happened.
As profdant139 has said, if there are trees, the hanging method is still the best.