vic46: I think you should rereard your first post. It is Bell that is outclassed! The day of roof top domes are numbered! There are 3 mfrs. of automatic roof top units( not domes) for Shaw but none for Bell! Your complaining about no domes is like saying that no current RV mfr. provides a VHS player! Within a few years all TV programming will be in HD. Satellite service providers seem to need more than one satellite to provide all of the channels. Direct uses 5 and Shaw I think is 2. Domes cannot see enough satellites. In motion TV should be bannned anyway as a driver distraction! Technology changes and many of us do have trouble adapting to the changes. Shaw will support you while in the USA and I have even heard of people in Yuma getting Shaw service reps at their site! Bell CSR's are the nastiest people. Shaw tries but their phone lines are overloaded.