Kids and camping...good times and hell on the budget. I'd go for the Off-Road Pop Up, myself. It's pricey, yes, but nothing like a TT or camper or a C. If you have the space at home, you throw in a fan/heater and let it dry when it's stopped raining/misting/fogging. Unless it's snowing hard, it can just stay up anyway.
One neat thing about the pop-ups is mounting solar on the roof. A single large panel will see you through most anything, as long as you don't run the furnace all night. A couple el'cheapo plug in inverters will keep everything charged (get two ciggy lighter plugs installed), including the electric drill one must always have on hand. Want to watch a movie? Use your laptop and some exterior speakers.
Once the kids have kicked you to the curb, then you can go bigtime and get something a bit more comfy.
Gary Haupt