SuzzeeeQ2012 wrote:
just found out that at the Quartzsite post office, there's a flyer sayings it's on the 21st.
still trying to figure out what is going on.
*thumps forehead*
You are right, the Public Meeting is being held on January 21st from 3:00 to 6:00PM at the Quartzsite Community Center located at 295 Chandler Street.
I called the BLM Yuma Field Office this morning and spoke with Art Lopez regarding this matter. Art told me the Yuma Field Office website is in the process off being updated with the current information.
I spoke with him for over a half hour on the subject and I can tell everyone this meeting will kickoff a 30 day Public Comment Period and needs to be attended by as many people as possible. The more folks attending this meeting and commenting will send a message that the public wants more land opened than closed.
It sounded to me that the Yuma Field Office is willing to OPEN roads and trails to Public use if there’s enough Public demand for that action. If little to no action is taken by the Public one can only expect to see more land, road, and trail closures in the 380,000 acres within the ‘La Posa Travel Management Plan’ (TMP) area.
My own observations are that Art Lopez is one of us and very concerned himself about the proposed closures as well as other proposed closures around the State being implemented under TMP mandated program. Art himself is a UTV rider!
Everyone reading this needs to network with as many folks as possible in and effort to halt the proposed closures and see that more land is opened for Public use, not closed!....PLEASE take the time to do so!!
Here’s a link to the Yuma Field Office’s La Posa TMP
webpage. Comment forms can be found on the upper right-hand column for download.
I would also encourage as many of you folks as possible to contact Art directly at 928-317-3238
Remember, If we the Public do nothing to stop this course of action all we can expect is more closures. I myself feel the real goal of the TMP programs is to close all Public Land from any use whatsoever.