It's very presumptious to put a negative label on all the folks who make reservations like this. The truth is, we do this ourselves sometimes. As a contractor who works all over FL, my schedule changes almost daily. I might make a reservation for a certain week months in advance, only to have to cancel it the week before because it coincides with a bid...or a bid date changes. Sometimes, instead of picking a certain date, I have to select a date range and make reservations (sometimes multiple) accordingly.
Also, here in FL, this happens terribly during scallop season along the Big Bend area. People will reserve an entire month or 2 of hotel/resort rooms and campground sites just to make sure they get 1 or 2 good weather weekends. I've heard of people reserving MANY rooms at the hotels over a 2 month weekend, then brokering them out for higher fees. Now there IS something to say about that crap...