TexasChaps wrote:
pnichols wrote:
fulltimedaniel wrote:
I spent 5 days in Big Bend National Park this year on my way to Tucson and later Alaska. Big Bend for those of you who do not know is on the US Mexico Border. You can walk right across the river from the cottonwood campground and be in Mexico. There is not even a fence (a good thing in a National park) Much of the best scenery you see from the Park actually is in Mexico. I saw absolutely no evidence of any incursion by anyone coming across this completely free and open border. In fact in my discussions with the Rangers about this the only problem they say they have is with UDB's as they call them Undocumented Bovines. Yes Cows from the Mexico side often wander across and into the cottonwood campground which is right on the river.
We've been through Big Bend once (but did not camp there) on a long RV trip through the Southeastern U.S.. Big Bend looked to be a beautiful and pristine desert wilderness park area to spend more time in.
I wonder what the reasons are for that area not being used more as an easy backcountry crossing point from Mexico into the U.S.??
two things.. people and rangers..
Well I really dont think so. First Big Bend is 1,252 Square Miles in area. People are thin on the ground. Even in Cottonwood Campground there are only 25 sites.
And Rangers are thinner yet and mostly clustered around visitor centers.
But we did keep an eye on those Undocumented Bovines...don't want them coming over and taking our Computer Programming jobs away from us.:)
The reality is that all along the 1954 miles of the US Border with Mexico Hordes of undocumented people are NOT streaming over the border. The Arizona Republic reported that in 2015 170,000 people crossed the border that was ONE TENTH of the number that crossed ten years earlier in 2005. That may be too many but it is no where near the millions often quoted. And it has declined dramatically.
The bottom line is people have been sold a complete Bill of Goods on Fear Fear and more Fear. And that is what the article posted by the OP was about.