Yeah, your biggest problem is going to be keeping warm at night. Believe me, RV's are not insulated and if you keep the propane heater on you will soon use all your propane. So, bring lots of blankets, and this might sound silly but long-johns or sweats to sleep in. Also if you have a knit hat for your head it might be good to keep in the heat. You also may want to get some bubble wrap for the windows, cut to size and use a little sprayed water to attach. Also plug the vents at night with some throw pillows if you have any old ones. I would also suggest a Lit' Buddy portable propane heater and about 6 small jugs of propane.
Spread as many old towels on the floor to insulate it some.
You will need to have something to make coffee in or tea or cocoa to warm you up so don't forget that.
And I would really suggest that the first night, you camp in your back yard your going to forget stuff and it will be great to just run to the house to get the salt and pepper, the can opener, the extra blankets, or things you forgot or just found you need. Once you get to your final destination, going back just isn't an option.
Have a great time and any questions just send any one of us a private message. Warning: RVing might can be addictive and you might just find yourself joining our world.