Since you are going to be in the area for a while :
You can search around town for a Dry Camping spot .
Some Ideas for any smallish town :
Abandoned Former Government Leased Buildings :
Such as former National Forest Service Buildings .
Former DOT , DEQ , BLM, NPS lots .
The government loves to get a developer to build them a new building and lease it for 5 to 10 years .
Then when the lease is up the government loves to move into a brand new shiny building with a 5 or 10 year lease .
The sap who built the building 10 to 20 years ago is left with an oversized abandoned building that is not suitable for manufacturing or glossy enough for the High Tech crowd .
Hence , abandoned buildings with HUGE parking .
This works all over the USA especially for a 3 day stay if you are not setting up various tables , chairs, bbqs, and so forth .
If you are an experienced boondocker you already know how to find a good spot in the woods .