As most know there is an extreme drought in California, with current snow pack at record lows.
Most here are already familiar with Stage 1 fire restrictions, those are enacted almost every summer (no open fires outside of campgrounds). Occasionally Stage 2 restrictions are enacted, usually at the end of a long dry summer, for a few weeks until the onset of Fall rain. I cannot recall the last time we had Stage 3 restrictions (shutdown of the forest). Very rare, and enacted only in dire situations.
Local FS officials are looking at current dryness and the long term weather trend forecast (3-6 months), and speculating a Stage 3 closure. This could mean no boondocking in the Sierra Nevada from sometime in mid summer (whenever the cumulative dryness becomes too great) to the start of the Fall rains. FS officials do not want to do this and are praying for enough Spring/Summer moisture to alleviate at least some the fire danger(unlikely). If the danger outweighs the public benefit, they may be forced into Stage 3 restrictions. I guarantee every Forest Supervisor will be sick to his stomach as he signs the order.
So just to be on the safe side, plan on your Sierra Nevada boondocking earlier in the summer.