MagillaGorilla wrote:
I cant believe that there are places that you can pull off the road and just stay there. Not only for free but without fear of being arrested. That's just crazy talk to a guy from Mass. Technically I can get in trouble for letting someone stay in my MH while its in my driveway. So you cant even boondock on your own property where I live.
If you take up traveling, you will find that very little of the country is like the east coast megoplis. All of that area from Rockport to Richmond and about one hundred miles inland is all liberal controlled nanny-state.
If you just get out of Massataxus, you will find a big difference.
The great joke to me was Maine. A few years back, a lady in the state congress pushed through a similar "No RV overnight except at a campground" law. Then they found out (when the campground owner went broke the next season) that RVs are mobile and vote with their wheels and dollars. So, they don't go where they are not wanted. Not being able to overnight in a parking lot ends a lot of the convenience of any RV. So, we (and apparently a few of our friends) avoided Maine that year. With the start of the next session, that same person started a repeal action.