Less Stuff wrote:
rehoppe wrote:
In Colo., Boondocking is not as easy as it used to be.
A bunch of years ago Congress had the 'bright idea' of Privatizing the management of the Campgrounds. So they cut the Forestservice budget, and started taking bids from Companies to manage the CGs. Very quickly a lot of CGs that had been free because they didn't have water available,,,, were not longer free.
Shortly after that the signs started to appear 'No Overnight Parking'. These all seemed to be within 5 miles or so of the FS CGs. Imagine that!
Just a bit more difficult now.
Edit: And of course the prices at the CGs, have gone up too. Also, the 'Management' leaves on or about Labor Day. They lock the gates and leave. So using those CGs during the fall is not an option anymore either.
So much for 'Privatization'!!!!
NEVER was and Never will be a free campground anywhere.
Who should pay?
Those that use them or those who don't and never will.
It's always nice to get others to help pay for your fun.
Haven't seen any data but I would expect Privatized campgrounds to be more efficient than government run from Washington DC campgrounds.
Once spoke to a Ranger in Arizona and he related some of the vandalism and problems they have in campgrounds and why they did not use the Iron Rangers for payments.
We users are the problem!
I just remember when the FS did the 'operation' and see now what is in place. Not to mention the 'gated property' syndrome, the Private 'Management' companies utilize. You'd think They owned the CG, rather than 'we the people'.
On your point that 'we the users' are the problem...... only partially true, as the CGs are now operated on a 'profit margin/bottom line' basis. And since we now pay for not one but TWO management teams????
Oh, and the 'hosts' are paid as well. No bone to pick with the hosts,,,, but the hosts used to be volunteers.... their checks get added to/subtracted from, the bottom line as well.
AS to your statement of ''never was and never will be free''...... you are correct. except that now we get to pay twice for the same 'free' campground. If you are associated with the operation of the FS CGs that are operated this way, you know what I mean.
Unless of course you don't pay taxes... then you're only paying once. LOL