I like the way all of you think really, I just meant that the B spray is a good one to add to your arsenal. The bear spray goes 30 feet, if they are staying 30 feet out of range Im not going to have a problem with them anyway, and I surely wouldn't stand there in one spot like a big dummy fumigating myself lol. I already have the pepper spray that comes out in a stream also. Ive been watching all the videos on youtube, which are almost 100% real life uncensored videos caught on dash cams and helmet cams ect. In the vast majority of these videos what you have is road rage or just some big crazy bully running up beating on your car or person, window, ect. Sometimes 2 or 3 people. They are almost always unarmed. And so over time I have come to the conclusion that in this scenario I wouldn't really want to jump out in broad daylight bustin caps all over the place with hundreds of innocent civilians in every direction just to stop some enraged unarmed man. Then be on the world news, and having to cut my vacation short, hire lawyers, possibly temporary jail time or worse permanent jail time, turning over your weapon, taking the chance of killing some kid ect. So for me at least, I would rather dump $15 worth of bear spray on them and drive away when the light turns green never to be seen or heard from again. And Im thinking that a many of Police and judge would appreciate this. Especially when the see the whole thing unfold on my dash cam. So to each their own, I respect everyone's decisions and choices and Liberty's. Im not a anti anything Nut, I don't care what you choose to carry. This is just how I roll. I really enjoy reading the comments though and learning how others think, Some really good Ideas out there. Peace, Im through with my comments here, to each their own, Happy traveling folks.