Forum Discussion

ReneeG's avatar
Sep 02, 2021

Campgrounds near Yellowstone

We've gone to Yellowstone multiple years in a row in mid September with last year being the worst for crowding. Even the campgrounds outside the park were busy requiring jockeying for a site. For those of you who have visited this year, and familiar with other years, how is the camping situation looking for this year? We're thinking of going again and just want a hint of what to expect. Yea, yea, I know the Delta variant may be pushing people to get back out with their kids instead of having them in school, but around here (western Idaho) most of the schools are in session with just a few having shut down for a week due to an increase in cases. Thanks for sharing any experience you have.
  • Thank you for the feedback! Maybe it's returned to somewhat normal visitation rates.
  • We just finished a 6 days boondocking campout north of Gardiner. Crowds were variable. The first few dazs thez were lighter than expected. There were empty parking spots at Mammoth Hot Springs. The last two days they picked up to expected levels, no empty spots. The smoke was minimal to nonexistent the first four dazs but the last two it got very thick.
    Bisons and Elks everywhere. Especially in the Lamar Valley, we must has seen 6 big herds of Bison, with Antelopes, one Coyote and maybe a distant Bear