Cloquet KOA - about 18 miles from Duluth
Link hereSpafford Park Campground is a Cloquet City Campground on the St. Louis River. About 18 miles from Duluth.
Link hereIndian Point Campground - in Duluth's western end and right on St. Louis River.
Link hereSpirit Mountain Campground - in Duluth, on hill (locals call it a mountain) overlooking Duluth, St. Louis Bay and Lake Superior. Expensive, but a nice setting and close to everything.
Link hereBuffalo Valley Campground - in Duluth. Buffalo House restaurant and bar is on property. State bicycle trail runs through property and goes farther into Duluth.
Link herePenmarallter Campground near Two Harbors, MN - about 20 miles NE of Duluth and on Lake Superior.
Link hereBurlington Bay City Campground in Two Harbors, MN - about 30 miles NE of Duluth. Nice campground right on Lake Superior.
Link hereAnd for any I missed (and I did miss a few) check out the Visit Duluth website that lists even more campgrounds.
Visit Duluth Campground listing link herePlaces to visit:Go up the north shore - 8 State parks, Superior National Forest, 3 scenic byways, Grand Portage National Monument (historic trading post), Split Rock Lighthouse historic site, paved bike trails along lake.
In Duluth - Canal Park (tourist area to view "Lakers and Salties" (large Great Lakes and Ocean going ships); The Depot - Train museum and ride scenic train along shore to Two Harbors; Great Lakes Aquarium; Glensheen Mansion. Also check out Visit Duluth for other attractions.