Cummins12V98 wrote:
slickest1 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
slickest1 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Some people will use any excuse to not travel. I have heard so many people say "won't be able to travel much this winter with the price of fuel being higher than last winter". Funny part is fuel prices were cheaper at that time than the year before.
The price of Fuel may be the same or less but when you pay $.35 on the dollar exchange it adds up.
True but it's no different now then it was several years ago. I think Canadians got VERY spoiled.
If it doesn't effect you then it is a non issue? If it cost you an extra $.35 on each dollar that you spend would you not rethink your travels.
Yes it is no different now then years ago.
In 2009 we made our first trip south and our dollar was at $.69.
That trip cost us an extra $2500. and we were lucky at that because fuel and food were cheaper down south then.
Today fuel is still cheaper than in Canada but other costs are same. Then you add on the exchange. My Retirement income does not go up at the same rate as many others will agree, so when people decide to stay home for that reason I guess that means we are spoiled. It is not ours or your fault where our dollar sits. That does not mean we have to be happy about it.
Thanks for twisting my words meaning.
Please tell me what in Canada is the same price as in the US? If things are the same then why is every Outlet and Mall in NW WA full of Canadians every weekend?
We cross border shop a fair amount as we live close to the border.
Some things cost more money here in Canada, but then to buy them and pay the exchange it sometimes more than often costs more. There are certain things here that are less money than across the border so one cannot make a blanket statement for that. I am talking mainly food prices. I have no idea why so many people are at the outlet malls maybe they know something I don't.
The only point I am making is by time you add the exchange rate to your fuel bill and your RV parks and everything else you need it makes a significant difference to your overall costs of snow birding. It might not matter to some people but some retirees are on fixed pensions and have to be more vigilant on where their money is spent.That is probably why some have stayed home this winter. I stayed home this winter for a medical reason but also the low dollar compounded that decision. Happy travels what ever your situation may be.