Was there a number of years ago a week after Easter,coming home from a retreat at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico and it was a wonderful stay. I was solo and tent camping in my '94 Cherokee sport. Drove from Natural Bridges NM to Goblin Valley for the night. Next day drove over to the west side of Canyonlands and then down he switchbacks to the bottom and then stayed at the cg at the ranger statiob. From there it was over to Fruita early and managed to get a site at Fruita cg and went up canyon after setting up camp. That nite there was an awesome bluegrass jam session in one guys camp.The next day,I crossed the river at the ford and up into Cathedral Valley and out to the highway. The next day was south on the trail and up the cliffs and over to Bryce. The weather during the days was awesome,clear and 60's, but got into the upper teens most nites. 2 person hiking tent and a 2 1/2# down sleeping bag.